Discover our world-leading scientists and inventors

An inspiring and unique series for children aged 9-13 years that celebrates Australia’s leaders in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. The Aussie STEM Stars series tell the inspirational stories of our (often unsung, even unknown!) STEM heroes quietly making a huge contribution to humans and the planet.
Each book is written by an award-winning children’s author and follows the real-life stories of some of Australia’s world-leading researchers and inventors.
Themes explored include childhood, school, family, formative experiences, what inspired them to pursue their chosen path, how they persevered in the face of challenges, and what they contributed in their chosen field to Australia and the world.
The past few years has shown us that science is more important than ever as we look to our inventors and innovators to solve the contemporary problems facing us all. So let’s inspire the next generation to go on that journey too.


Skye Blackburn-Lang
Eating bugs for the planet
John Long
Fossil hunter
Alan Finkel
Australia’s Chief Scientist: 2016-2020

Cristy Burne
Cristy grew up climbing trees, jumping drains, chasing runaway cows and inventing stories. Before she became a writer, she was science circus performer, garbage analyst, Santa’s pixie, and a teacher.
Rebecca Lim
Rebecca Lim is an Australian writer, illustrator, editor and lawyer and the author of over twenty books. Her books have featured on numerous award shortlists, including the Prime Minister’s Literary Awards, the CBCA Notables, and the Aurealis Awards.
Rebecca is a co-founder of the Voices from the Intersection initiative to support emerging young adult and children’s authors and illustrators who are First Nations, People of Colour, LGBTIQA+ or living with disability.
Dee White
Dee is the author of more than 20 books published in USA, UK, Canada, Israel, Australia and New Zealand.
Deb Fitzpatrick
Deb Fitzpatrick is the author of novels for adults, young adults and children. Her books have been awarded Notables by the Children’s Book Council of Australia, shortlisted for the West Australian Young Readers Book Awards, published in the US, and optioned for film.
Claire Saxby
Claire Saxby was born in Melbourne but has lived far and wide, including Bougainville Island in Papua New Guinea, where she discovered the most beautiful reefs and beaches in the world. She worked in community health for several years while writing books for children.
Emily Gale
Emily Gale grew up in London and migrated to Australia in 2008. She loves animals and recently became fascinated by Australian birdlife. She lives near a part of the Yarra river in Melbourne where well over 100 different species of birds have been identified. Emily worked in publishing for many years and now writes for children and teenagers. Her YA novels have been shortlisted for several awards.
Danielle Clode
Danielle Clode is an Adelaide-based zoologist and writer, who grew up on a boat and has worked in zoos, museums and underwater observatories. She has a doctorate in zoology from Oxford University and is an associate professor of writing at Flinders University.
Julianne Negri
Julianne Negri’s debut children’s novel The Secret Library of Hummingbird House was published in 2020 by Affirm Press and was a 2021 CBCA Notable. In 2018, Julianne was the recipient of the Australian Society of Author’s Emerging Writer’s Mentorship Award.
Dianne Wolfer
Dianne grew up in outer Melbourne, where she made tree-houses and imagined she was Silky from The Magic Faraway Tree. Other days she was the Muddle-headed Wombat. When she was ten, Dianne moved to Bangkok and went on to study back in Melbourne before backpacking through Asia and teaching children in remote western Nepal.
Kim Doherty
Kim Doherty is an editor, storyteller, teacher, and a mum to two young children – Molly and Xavier – who she hopes will be inspired by the amazing world of science and Alan’s story. This is Kim’s second book for children, the first was about Mt Everest and the amazing facts, death-defying adventures and strange myths of the world’s highest mountain.
Penny Tangey
Penny Tangey writes humorous books for young people. Her book As Fast As I Can won the Readings Children’s Book Prize and the Queensland Literary Awards Children’s Book Award.
Nova Weetman lives in Melbourne with her family. She has written for TV and is the author of many middle grade and young adult novels.


Teacher Notes: Fiona Wood
Teacher Notes: Georgia Ward-Fear
Teacher Notes: Munjed Al Muderis
Teacher Notes: Gisela Kaplan
Teacher Notes: Eddie Woo
Teacher Notes: John Long
Teacher Notes: Creswell Eastman
Teacher Notes: Alan Finkel
Teacher Notes: Ajay Rane
Teacher Notes: Emma Johnston
Teacher Notes: Veena Sahajwalla
Teacher Notes: Skye Blackburn-Lang
Teacher Notes: Suzy Urbaniak
Teacher Notes: Michelle Simmons coming soon
Tropical ecologist, reptile biologist and explorer, Dr. Georgia Ward-Fear took on questions from school students around Australia in this exclusive In Class With… event. With questions about her career pathway, working with invasive species and advice for students, Georgia inspires students to do what they love and make the most of opportunities. Watch it here.
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